Wills overview

As a company we're a relatively cheerful bunch....


To quote the old addage, courtesy of Ben Franklin (1817), "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes". Sad, but true.


The sad fact is that 70% of folk will pass-on without having made a Will. That can cause alsorts of problems for those left behind... for the sum of £49.00 we'll organise one for you.


Everything will (sorry to keep using the same word) be sorted out by phone and email. There's no need to see anyone. 


Alternatively, if you'd prefer, we can refer you to one of our network of solicitors who you can visit to run through the process. That's not necessary but if it helps we can point you in the right direction.


Please either call us on 0845 603 0708 (we'll call you straight back) or email matt.hague@legalbrokers.co.uk and we'll start the ball rolling.


When your Will has been completed we'll store a copy for you & register it with our Solicitors.


If you're in the sad situation of having to deal with Probate now, ie. a family member's died, we can negotiate the best deal for that service via our panel of solicitors. No one wants to haggle at this time but there's savings to be made by picking the right law firm. 


All the best and hopefully we'll hear from you soon.


Matt & the LBL team


A little light reading....


Please note; If you're a Solicitor we can provide a white label service for the same, £49.00, fee. 



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