Robert Weaver Sky Ferry

Skyferry Aircraft Delivery LLC has been contracted by the Turkish Government to deliver multiple training aircraft for a new flight training organisation which will be benefit it's local citizens. Therefore helping Turkish nationals train for their licenses all the way from private pilot level up to Airline Transport Pilot.


The multi million dollar project has been designed to increase the amount of commercial pilots within the country. A number of supporting carriers, including Turkish Airlines, will be working closely with the organisation


It is hoped that the airlines will be able to hire more of their own nationals as opposed to the current situation of having to hire and outsource from Europe.


Multiple deliveries have already taken place this year with another 15 schedule movements for next spring which will include the ferrying of popular training aircraft such as the Cessna 172 and Piper Seminole.

Skyferry and Chief Pilot Rob Weaver are delighted to have landed such a major contract and are working to deliver the aircraft on time and on budget.

For further information regarding Skyferry, Robert Weaver or if you would like a personal recommendation please don't hesitate to contact us at or call 0345 603 0708. 



Jon Hilton


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