Previous Claims

We have listed below a selected few of the successful case studies that our solicitors have previously won. 


  • Unfortunately Sylvia tripped in a pot hole in Wigan and broke her arm. She received £12,500
  • Cleaning a soup kettle at work Tracy fractured one of the bones in her arm. She received £15,000
  • Courtesy of a car accident Victor suffered severe whiplash injuries. He received £15,000
  • Deprived of Oxygen at birth Amy suffered Brain damage. She received £1.75 million
  • Catherine sustained serious ankle injuries in a car accident. She received £115,000
  • Simon was involved in a car accident. As a result the local authority were found guilty of not maintaining the highway. He received £25,000  

For further information on claims please email us via, call on 0845 603 0708 or..... 





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