Breach Of Leasehold Covenants Indemnity Insurance
As an established Indemnity insurance provider, we are pleased to include Breach of Leasehold Covenants Indemnity Insurance in our range of indemnity policies.
A Breach of the Leasehold may occur when alterations are made to a property without the Freeholder's consent. Quite often this is an honest mistake, but it can have serious consequences. Our indemnities can help give peace of mind in these circumstances.
Our system is quick, easy, and quite often a cheap way to cover the risks involved in these circumstances.
We are appointed representatives of Stewart Title and provide upwards of 100 policies in our suite of Indemnity Insurances. Additionally, we can provide policies for non-standard risks and bespoke quotes.
Examples of leasehold cover we can help with:
- Illegible Lease
- Missing Lease
Lack of Permission From a Freeholder
Furthermore, our IT system can offer the following:
- Create multiple quotes
- Sample insurance policies
- Provide a draft mechanism to store quotes
And you'll receive your invoice and policy instantly upon order
As soon as an issue with a lease is identified, we recommend making contact to discuss the easiest way to proceed. Please call the team on 0345 603 0708 or email to discuss your needs and get a quote.
Legal Brokers Ltd
Breach of Leasehold Covenant Insurance