Dear Jonathan,

We're working on our alternative to Quality Solicitors. I'm told competition is healthy.


Hence if you've read emails before from LBL you'll know of our National Solicitors brand. It's similar to the QS offering but the two major differences are that we'll promote your brand first and we'll target local work for yourselves...

If this is of interest please read on....

It's seemingly a fact that lawyers are looking at the future and seeking to insulate themselves against future trends. 


Hence our approach is based around; 


Your Name. National Solicitors.

Local knowledge. National Strength 


In precis we're not looking to overwrite your brand. We're seeking to enhance it.


Essentially we'll act as your marketing agency and build upon your name. We'll make our goal to compete, in a healthy constructive manner, with your local QS brethren.


If you're able to send us reciprocal work, based on your current pricing, we'll reinvest a proportion of that profit into developing your brand. Quid Pro Quo.....


At the same time we're happy to work with niche firms who want to work with other firms on a reciprocal business basis. ie. you might be a PI firm who wants to refer the odd conveyancing case to property firms. etc etc.

In the first instance we'll agree an initial fee which will also cover the cost of new signs, the website and SEO work. We'll then agree a monthly fixed fee, based on 5% of your turnover, for local newspaper advertising, billboard advertising and client contact campaigns.


You might want to pay a larger or smaller amount. We'll target the funding to your needs.


Few things help promote a firms brand better than a 6m x 3m billboard in the centre of town !


Interested to find out more ? Would you like us to generate a specific logo & signage for your review ?

Property Searches.


We're looking to increase our search numbers. We've carried out thousands upon thousands of searches and are looking for more work.


If you're interested in National Solicitors but want to get to know us prior to moving things along please contact us and we'll generate a log in. You can then see our pricing and get to grips with our automated ordering system.


If you're looking to order large quantities we can link directly into your systems. We'll price match against your current suppliers.


Law Firm for sale.


Fylde coast. Looking for a seven figure sum. Two offices. Principally probate & conveyancing work. Large Wills bank. Completely irrelevant but the area has an ageing population.


Please contact us for more details or view the Legal Brokers website if you'd like to find out more.

And finally.... it doesn't matter where you are in the country if you're near an airfield I'll fly in and we can have a chat. Ideally you'd make a £25 donation to in return !


For more details, on any of the issues raised here, please either call me on 0845 603 0708 or email via .

Regards & RSVP


Jon Hilton

Legal Brokers Ltd

Tel; 0845 603 0708 (in development)



PS. Firstly, if you like Monty Python and can stomach a swear word or two... I found the following video clip amusing.... It's vaguely relevant... You may or may not feel the same.... Enjoy...



Secondly, if you like flying and want a whizz round your local airspace I'm up for that. If we do fly together it'd need to be on the basis that it's just a "jolly". No work stuff to be discussed. Weekday or weekend. If the weather's good it'd be great fun.



If an independent donation is made to charity I'll fly family and friends, too !

Providing a range of different services we are a multi-faceted business that can assist with online marketing, organic Search Engine Optimisation, Pay Per Click advertising, Legal Recruitment, Property Searches, White Label Conveyancing, Franchising, Law firm sales, Fee Sharing and providing PII quotes.